富山市呉羽町にある住宅の改修である。東京に住む施主は、空き家となったこの生家を再生し、別荘やゲストハウスとして活用することを望んだ。この住宅は施主曰く「ふつうの富山の住宅」だと言う。調査すると、私たちが新鮮さを感じた雪見障子、木彫り細工、仕上げ材すべて1 9 7 0 ~ 8 0 年代の富山でよく使われている材料であることがわかった。また、この地域には、広間という形式、銅板や絹糸を使った工芸品、周囲に広がる梨園など、伝統的な地域性がある。この家のふつうさの中にある魅力をのこしながら、伝統的な地域性に倣い改修することを試みた。
また、素材としては地域の伝統材と、既存部材の転用に主眼を置いた。これらは、既存の面影を残しながら更新することと、改修時のC O 2 排出量を削減するというサステナビリティに繋がっている。その他、木材を多用しながらも、極力仕上げを減らすことや、部分的に断熱区間を作ることで、この建物のLCCO2 を削減した。どこにでもある小綺麗な家ではなく、様々な時の魅力が混ざり合い、この地の歴史の一端に参加していく「建築の建ち方」を目指した。
Retain the “ordinary” and follow “tradition.”
This is the renovation of House in Toyama, located in a rural city in Hokuriku, Japan.
The owner said that “This house is ordinary house in Toyama”.We researched and found that Yukimi Shoji screens, wood carvings, and finishing materials that we found fresh were all materials commonly used in Toyama in the 1970s and 1980s. Also, the traditional stayle in Hokuriku houses is “Hiroma”, and there are traditional crafts using copper, silk threads, and the surrounding pear orchards.We attempted to retain the charm of the house in its ordinariness while renovating it in accordance with the traditional local character.
The design draws from the traditional concept of ‘Hiroma,’ a gathering space that historically served as an indoor area to experience nature during the winter.This design choice aligns with the region’s architectural tradition. The ‘Hiroma’ is strategically positioned in the center of the house, functioning as an open space surrounded by the structure and thermal compartments. This setup allows for daylight penetration and a connection to the surrounding environment. The varied floor levels within the central space create an enclosed landscape, offering multiple small resting spots.
The design further emphasizes creating a connection between time and environment, promoting a sense of history and continuity. We achieve this through adhering to traditional house scale rules, upcycling old timber, and incorporating materials that evolve over time, such as plywood, copper, and silk textile. The renovation plan also addresses the indoor environment, ensuring ample daylight and natural ventilation. Sliding doors are strategically installed, providing occupants with the choice to balance natural and controlled environments. This approach blurs the boundary between the natural and artificial, resulting in a comfortable and contemporary living space.
The goal was not to create a neat little house that can be found anywhere, but to create a “way of building house” that mixes the charms of various times and participates in a part of the history of the area.
Client:Secret / vacation rental:庭家一如
Completion: May, 2023
新建築住宅特集 2024/4月号掲載
interiors 2月号掲載
富山県建築文化賞 住宅部門 入選
DFA Design for Asia Awards/ Bronze award